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Always Be Learning

Always Be Learning

Do you remember that famous scene from the ’90s movie “Glengarry Glen Ross”? The
one where Alec Baldwin is yelling at his salesmen: ABC! Always Be Closing!

Well, I prefer ABL: Always Be Learning.

In real estate — and in life — acknowledging that you do not know everything is the only
way to learn more. Keeping an open mind, asking questions, being humble, being
willing to change your mind, listening — it’s the only way to get better at whatever one

When I first started in real estate and walked into my new office, I was given a choice: a
nice desk by the window, or one next to Colleen, a seasoned agent whom I respected
(and grew to love). The one by the window was nicer, but I knew I would learn so much
sitting next to Colleen. And I did! For 8 years. I learned from her and from the amazing
agents at Thornwall Properties, and then from so many agents in other offices along the

We are only as good as the people we surround ourselves with. It’s really that simple.

Each transaction teaches you something, each agent does things their own way ... and
sometimes their way is better! Sometimes you even learn what not to do, thought those
times are few and far between, because our community of agents is really quite

That’s why being in a good office, with excellent agents — humble ones who can’t wait
to keep learning — is the key to becoming a great agent.

Now that I am in a managerial role, I get to pass on what I know to the agents at District
Homes. There is nothing I love doing more than sharing what I have learned from so
many others. Well, maybe I still best love learning from my fellow agents, new and
seasoned, every day.

It’s a mantra here at District Homes: ABL. Always Be Learning.

Let’s Talk

You’ve got questions and I can’t wait to answer them.